Legal Notice

Identification of the site editor

This website is operated and edited by FG Xport, an Individual Company registered in the SIREN directory under number 538365214 and whose head office is at avenue de la côte d’argent, 33380 Marcheprime, FRANCE.

Phone: +33671168428

Email: contact [at] bestwinexport [dot] com

Individual entrepreneur: Mr. Florian GROS

Copyright, intellectual property, photo credits

The website operated at the address is the property of FG Xport.

This site is a work protected by intellectual property law which includes texts, images, photographs, illustrations, logos which are themselves protected by industrial or intellectual property rights (Some images are part of the free image banks of commercial use, and are therefore free to use).

Some photographs may have been cropped or resized.

With the exception of quotes and customer or expert opinions, the texts were written by FG Xport.

The Internet user’s use of the website is strictly reserved for private use – the right of use by the Internet user is limited to consulting the information on the website and ordering the article presented on it. – this. Any use, reproduction, total or partial downloading of the website, or of any of its text, images (excluding free images), photographs, illustrations, logos without the consent of its owner or the rights holder is accordingly strictly prohibited, with the exception of private copying made for personal and non-commercial purposes. Any violation of this article is liable to be penalized and civilly sanctioned, in particular for counterfeiting and will result in the payment of damages, if applicable.


We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information published on the FG Xport website, nor be held responsible for the consequences of their use by Internet users.

The FG Xport website may contain a number of links to other websites. However, it cannot be held responsible for information disseminated on these sites or for any damage arising from the use of goods or services made available on these sites.

Personal data

The data of Internet users collected through the website are collected and processed in compliance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 known as the Data Protection Act and of the General Data Protection Regulations.

The data controller is the site editor as identified above.

The personal data collected on the website are intended exclusively for the website editor. Unless otherwise agreed by the Internet user, no personal data is transferred or communicated to a third party. The purpose of this data is to process, supply and manage orders placed by the Internet user. The data collected may also be used to send the Internet user promotional offers, newsletters and RSS feeds from the website and its partners, as soon as the Internet user has expressed his agreement by checking the box provided for this purpose. on the registration form or on the account management page. The only purpose of the data collected is to process contact requests and carry out visit statistics, particularly geographic ones, these are anonymous and do not allow individuals to be identified.

In accordance with the aforementioned law, the Internet user has the right to access, rectify and delete personal data concerning him. To exercise this right, the Internet user can send his request by email to the following address: contact [at] bestwinexport [dot] com.

If he was not satisfied with the response, he can file a complaint with the CNIL.

The Internet user also has the right to oppose the collection of his data.
The Internet user is however informed that the data communicated by means of the forms present on the Internet site and identified by an asterisk are necessary to allow him to process his orders or respond to his messages. The placing of an order or the processing of messages cannot therefore be carried out if this data is not provided by the Internet user.

More information on the page Confidentiality policy.

Website design and production

FG Dvelopment, avenue de la côte d’argent, 33380 Marcheprime, FRANCE

Phone: +33671168428

Email: contact [at] fgdvelopment [dot] com


Site Host

Hostinger, 61 Lordou Vironos str., 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus

Email: compliance[at] hostinger [dot] com


Photo credits

Thanks to the photographers for their work.

Rudy and Peter Skitterians, tookapic, Kevin Petit, Photo MIX, Adriano Gadini, Jakub Luksch, Michal Jarmoluk, Josep Monter Martinez, Julita, Harry Strauss, zooocoo, Steve Buissinne, Smiling Pixell.